Youth Workshops

Youth Workshops

YOUTH WORKSHOP “AESTHETHICS OF FILM LANGUAGE” (Skopje) The Youth Workshop with Atanas Chuposki, PhD, within the framework of the 13th PFF is intended for young people interested in the aesthetics of film language aged 17 to 19 (up to 12 participants). The aim of the workshop is to familiarize young cinephiles with the basics of film language and the ways of interpreting q film story. Like other arts, film art has a specific language but…

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Youth Workshops

Youth Workshops

In the second half of April and the beginning of May, within the framework of the festival, 7 youth workshops were held on current social topics with a film background:   April 19 (Ohrid) SOU “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Ohrid, Jane Bogoeski, graduate professor of philosophy April 20 (Skopje) DSLUD “Lazar Licenoski” – Skopje, Mariglen Demiri, M.Sc., professor of philosophy and scientific researcher at the Center for European Strategies “Eurothink”, Skopje April 24 (Bitola) SOU…

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This Educational programme’s segment is intended for the youngest philosophers and film buffs, for the children aged 7–12, and is connected with watching a film followed by a philosophical workshop (physically, in Skopje, and online – for children throughout Macedonia). This year, children from 9 to 11 years of age will watch the Japanese animated film “Mirai” (2018) and discuss on a selected topic. MIRAI (Mirai, 2018) animated film for children (8+) * Translation in…

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Publishing: “Sculpting in Time” by Andrei Tarkovsky

Publishing: “Sculpting in Time” by Andrei Tarkovsky

Perhaps the superlative “greatest” pertains to no other director’s name more naturally than to that of Andrei Tarkovsky; however, so far almost nothing of his work has been translate in Macedonian language. The Philosophical Society of Macedonia (FDM), in collaboration with the Philosophical Film Festival (PFF), intends to change that later this year, when it releases the Macedonian translation of Tarkovsky’s aesthetic magnum opus, “Sculpting in Time”. Unfortunately, the funds that were given to us…

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High School Programme – PFF 2023

High School Programme – PFF 2023

This year, in the framework of PFF’s Educational Program and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Skopje, the High School Programme took place traditionally in the course of April 2023. On April 4,  a screening of the film THE SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE (El espiritu de la colmena / The Spirit of the Beehive, 1973) by Viktor Erise was held at the Youth Cultural Center in Skopje for students…

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Bukrshliev/Mircheska Play Coltrane

Bukrshliev/Mircheska Play Coltrane

MUSICAL PERFORMANCE June 2 (Friday) 20.00 Open-Air Cinema “A Quiet Summer” (Cinematheque) Bukrshliev/Mircheska Play Coltrane for the Opening Ceremony of the 13th FFF   Filip Bukrshliev and Andrea Mirceska are emissaries of the New Macedonian wave of Jazz music, or at least that’s what they want to think. Both of them have received the Best Young Jazz Musician award given by the Skopje Jazz Festival. This is already a fact. The years are 2019 and…

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FOCUS GODARD: Histoire(s) du cinéma

FOCUS GODARD: Histoire(s) du cinéma

5/6 (Monday) 18.15 Cinematheque of North Macedonia (Hi)stories of Cinema (Histoire(s) du cinéma, 1988-1998) 1-4 episode Jean-Luc Godard, FR, 147′ Focus Godard   7/6 (Wednesday) 18.15 Cinematheque of North Macedonia (Hi)stories of Cinema (Histoire(s) du cinéma, 1988-1998) 5-8 episode Jean-Luc Godard, FR, 119′ Focus Godard Authentic to the ‘man-film,’ Jean-Luc Godard certainly does not propose a chronological history of cinema, but rather a double exploration, a journey through the Twentieth Century history, in the country of…

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13. PFF (2-9 June) – Everything is Cinema, in Plural

13. PFF (2-9 June) – Everything is Cinema, in Plural

[EVERYTHING IS CINEMA, IN PLURAL] In Godardian fashion, playing a little bit with the history(s), or the story(s) of cinema, this year with a tribute to Godard as an inevitable chapter and character in the world cinema history/story, we are happy to announce the 13th edition of your PHILOSOPHICAL FILM FESTIVAL in which the *Focus Godard* will take center stage, with a few rare and extremely valuable cinephile delights that we have prepared for our…

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50 YEARS YCC (28/12/2022)

50 YEARS YCC (28/12/2022)

PFF@YCC on the celebration of 50 YEARS YCC, the biggest cultural and artistic event in 2022! Sincere thank you to the Youth Cultural Centre for the invitation and sincere thank you to the directors of the films which will present PFF on 28 December. You are more then welcome to our distilled 58-minute perfume drop from the Philosophical Film Festival that will represent everything we stand for as a festival. Let ustake you on a…

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PFF@MCA – Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (14/5, 12.00)

PFF@MCA – Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (14/5, 12.00)

PFF@MCA within the Programme of the 12th Philosophical Film Festival 14 May (Saturday), 12.00 Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje Generación: Buñuel, Lorca, Dalí (2018) dir. Javier Espada & Albert Montón (ES/MX), 75’ introduction by prof. Dr. Ivan Dzeparoski free screening, limited capacity In collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje and the Embassy of Spain in Skopje   Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dali, and Federico Garcia Lorca — young and bright, intelligent and cheerful. They…

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