Publishhing: “Phil(m)osophy”

Замислување на мирот: дијалог за перцепцијата [Original title: Inventing Peace: A Dialogue on Perception]
Вим Вендерс и Мери Зурнази / Wim Wenders and Mary Zournaz
Skopje: Philosophical Society of Macedonia, 2019
“Inventing Peace”—translated as „Замислување на мирот“—is a book written in two voices: a film director and a professor of philosophy. Through their dialogue about peace, they invite the reader to imagine and (re)invent peace, giving peace an image and a voice in a world filled with violent and dehumanizing images both on and off screens. This dialogue between philosophy and film, between two individuals from different countries and continents, who share a common concern for a humane future, helps us understand the importance of our worldview and the role that film art can play in it. It also inspires directors to revisit film as a medium that enhances reality rather than avoiding it, as articulated through the words of Wenders [reality-enhancing vs. reality-avoiding].
“Inventing Peace” is the inaugural book in the “Phil(m)osophy” series. This series is an essential part of the publishing efforts of the Festival and the Philosophical Society of Macedonia (PSM) to present works in the fields of film philosophy and aesthetics, as well as interdisciplinary studies (like this book), and to create a breathing space for Macedonian authors to contribute to this area, exploring the synergy between film and philosophy.
The book is available in the Ili-Ili and Kultura bookstores, as well as the Cinematheque’s media library.
Манчевски: Пет есеи / Manchevski: Five essay
Милчо Манчевски / Milcho Manchevski
Skopje: Philosophical Society of Macedonia, 2023
The bilingual publication “Manchevski: Five Essays,” authored by the renowned Macedonian director Milcho Manchevski, is the third installment in the “Filmosophy” series by the Philosophical Society of Macedonia and the Philosophical Film Festival. The book contains five essays (along with their corresponding English translations) written over various periods (from 1994 to 2022). These essays exemplify the aim of the “Filmosophy” series to explore the fluid spaces between film and philosophical reflection. In his essays, Manchevski reflects on the relationships between art, violence, and society (its ritualism); vividly illustrates the director-screenwriter relationship (especially when it involves the same person—himself); richly discusses the concept of truth in film narrative, both within and outside the prism of artistic and “real” believability, and more.
The foreword is written by Prof. Ivan Dzeparoski, PhD, and the cover design is by Katerina Teri Nikolovska. The publication is available in the Ili-Ili, Kultura, and Bookva bookstores, as well as in the Cinematheque’s media library. The text, along with the English version, is freely accessible on the websites of the PFF and that of Milcho Manchevski.
Philosophy and Film
Conference proceedings from the 1. International “Filosophy & Film” Conference held at the 11. PFF
The “Philosophy and Film: Conference Proceedings” present to the Macedonian and international public a comprehensive collection of research by participants of the international conference “Philosophy and Film,” the first scientific conference of this type held in Macedonia and the region, organized as part of the 11th Philosophical Film Festival [May 25, 2021]. The purpose of the proceedings, the second book in the “Phil(m)osophy” series by PSM and PFF, is to create a space for intercultural dialogue in the field of film-philosophy, connecting domestic authors who research in this area with established authors from the region and Europe who work in the discipline. The anthology includes 12 presentations in the fields of aesthetics, philosophy, and film theory, as well as analyses of films, including the two Macedonian films with Academy Award nominations: “Before the Rain” by Milcho Manchevski (text by Prof. Dominique Chateau, PhD from France, emeritus professor at the Sorbonne), and “Honeyland” (text by Associate Prof. Sasho Kokalanov, M.Sc. from FDU).
The collection can be found in the Ili-Ili, Kultura, and Bookva bookstores, as well as in the Cinematheque of North Macedonia.