Organizational Board of the Philosophical Film Festival:

Ana Dishlieska Mitova program director

Aleksandar Vojneski
web and social media

Ljupco Mitkovski
financial director

Mirjana Obednikovska project assistant

Marko Kasapov educational program

Aleksandar Trajkovski print coordinator

Jovan Maleski
technical director
Selectors and expert collaborators of the Festival:

Prof. Kiril Trajchev
selector of feature films

Dejan Zdravkov, PhD selector of short films

Asst. Prof. Dr. Jasmina Popovska
coordinator from the Philosophical Faculty

Prof. Dr. Ana Dimishkovska
collaborator for high school program

Prof. Dr. Stefan Sidovski
collaborator for youth workshops

Martin Popovski, PhD
collaborator for phil(m)osophy for childrem